
The cave of time

The idea that the Loch Ness monster goes into the Cave of Time for a hundred years or so before returning seems preposterous. And, even if it does, it seems very doubtful you could dive down deep enough to find the underwater entrance. So you resign yourself to making a living fishing the waters of Loch Ness.

You find it a tolerable, though not very interesting, life. You particularly like rowing out in your skiff in the early morning mists and watching the pale, red sun struggling to shine through the haze. That’s what you are doing one day when you feel a tremendous thump under your boat, the stern is heaved high into the air, and you are hurled over the bow and into the jaws of the monster.

Some of your friends find the wreckage of your boat later in the day and, throughout the village, people say to each other “The monster has returned again.”

The end!