
The cave of time

You’d rather spend the rest of your life searching for an entrance to the Cave of Time than settle for the placid life of a fishing village. So you bid your new friends farewell and set out over the countryside, headed south for London. Your goal is to find a ship to take you to America, though you know America hasn’t been discovered yet, for somehow you must find your way back to Red Creek Canyon and the Cave of Time.

A few hours later, as you are walking on a road along the edge of the forest, some burly men ride out from behind a clump of trees.

“We’ve got you,” one shouts. “You’re the one who escaped from the tower, aren’t you?” They force you upon a horse and ride at top speed toward the castle.

“The penalty for escaping from the tower is hanging,” one of them tells you.

You find out he is right.

The end!