The cave of time
You climb up the steps between the last car and the caboose just as the train begins to start up again. When you open the door to the car, you are surprised to see soldiers in blue uniforms holding old-fashioned rifles. They advance upon you. One of them strides past you to see if anyone else followed you.
“How did you know this was the President’s car?” the first soldier asks you.
“What President?” you reply.
Then, to your amazement, you get the answer to your question, for the very tall bearded man walking down the aisle could be no one else but Abraham Lincoln.
“That’s all right,” the President tells the soldiers, “I could use some company right now. You may stay until we reach Gettysburg,” he says to you. “But maybe you should get off at Parkersville. I know of some good people there who will help you out.”